Saturday 6 January 2018

Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Learning

Learning is an important part for both personal and professional life. It helps a person to get a job as well as achieve knowledge so it can’t be ignored.  Online learning is a great platform that brings opportunities for learners to explore new things. It helps to discover online learning resources that best suits a person’s style.

E-learning portals are great alternative for people to get detailed information about the topic they want to learn as well as the most comfortable method to achieve knowledge in every field. But everything has some pros and cons; similarly online learning has some advantages and disadvantages which are discussed in this blog.

Advantages of Online learning websites are:-

Free from any kind of boundaries and restrictions

While talking about location restrictions, time is one of the biggest issues that a teacher and a student both face in classroom learning. In the case of face-to-face learning, location limit attendance to a group of learners who have ability to participate in that area and while talking about time, it limit crowd who can attend at a specific time.
On the other hand, online learning portals help learners to access information anywhere, anytime as well as give freedom to personally build their own learning schedules.

Tailored different needs of online learners

Every person has a unique way to gain information and educational portals have power to ensure all learning needs. Like if a person is interested in learning various art and craft activities then they can use akki art and crafts, if a person is interested in learning personality traits then they can use Schoolchalao and many more.

So, online learning doesn’t think that a person is visual, acoustic learner, it provide a wide variety of learning methods and tools.


Disadvantages of E-learning websites are:-

 Learners are isolated from surrounding

Kids learning websites might be a convenient and flexible way of learning, but it also a solo act. This will bring a sense of isolation to students. Although, technology progress and e-learning will engage more actively with professors through online discussions, video conferencing, but sometimes learners feel they lack support and reassurance.

It greatly bring health issues to people

Electronic learning as its name implies require the use of computers or other electronic devices constantly. But the reality is that continues use of computers may lead to various health issues like poor vision, strain injuries and other physical problem. Therefore while using free learning portals; one should follow certain guidelines like sitting posture, desk height, regular breaks and many more.


As Educational website brings great benefits for online learners, therefore with the aim to impart education to each and every student, Schoolchalao, bring excellent free learning website that allow free educational PDFs  related to basic education of students like computer education, mathematical formulas, health education and many other useful facts and information.

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